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Top 10 Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders Great

Top 10 Leadership Qualities That Make Good Leaders Great

1.Honesty and Integrity 2. Confidence 3. Inspiration 4. Commitment and Passion 5. Good Communicator 6. Decision-Making...
Acing CSAT Scores

Acing CSAT Scores

The past year was excellent for us. In practice, we doubled our turnover and integrated one competitor into our operations in Finland and got...
10 Reasons why Executive Search Firms are used more and more today

10 Reasons why Executive Search Firms are used more and more today

I have gathered top 10 reasons based on my experience gained by working in one of the top 25 Global Executive Search Firms

5 Simple reasons why reading makes you a better leader!

5 Simple reasons why reading makes you a better leader!

Most of us believe that our learning can come to a stand-still after reaching and achieving certain goals and positions in our lives, but on the...
3 Qualities that Make an Inspiring Leader

3 Qualities that Make an Inspiring Leader

Humility: The ability to see past your own strengths and recognize your weaknesses and shortcomings is essential 

Tips to Make Better Group Decisions

Tips to Make Better Group Decisions

Define the task, Choose the best fit for decision making

10 Must-Read Books To Develop Your Leadership Skills

10 Must-Read Books To Develop Your Leadership Skills

The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team: A Leadership Fable By Patrick Lencioni

Benefits of Effective Communication in the Workplace

Benefits of Effective Communication in the Workplace

Effective communication is integral for the development of an organization. It is something that helps leaders perform on their basic functions of...
3 Principles of Constructive Leadership Influence

3 Principles of Constructive Leadership Influence

Emotional Engagement
Leaders should be approachable and should proactively express a genuine interest in others
