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4 Benefits of a 4 Day Work Week

Author:, June 24, 2022/Categories: Blogs

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The concept of a four-day work week is relatively recent. Thanks to recent technological developments and artificial intelligence, employees can accomplish the same amount of work in less time while still providing end-to-end services to clients.

Here are the Benefits of a 4 Day Work Week:

Increased Productivity

Stanford University did an in-depth investigation into the relationship and productivity and discovered a clear link between the two factors. Employees that are overworked are less productive than those who work a normal or average week.

An Equal Workplace

According to the Government Equalities Office's research on the Gender Pay Gap, around two million Britons are currently unemployed due to childcare responsibilities, with women accounting for 89% of those affected. Employees would be able to spend more time with their families and maintain a better balance between care and job commitments with a four-day work week, resulting in a more equal workplace.

Better Employee Engagement

Employees who work a four-day week are more likely to be happier and more committed. Because they have plenty of time to rest and recover, employees are less likely to be stressed or take sick leaves. As a result, they return to work energised and ready to face new challenges.

A Smaller Carbon Footprint

Shorter working hours are associated with a lower carbon footprint, thus cutting the work week from five to four days could also be beneficial to the environment. Shortening the work week will lead to fewer commutes as major office buildings are only in use four days a week, which directly leads to fewer carbon emissions.

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