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10 Lessons Leaders Can Learn from the Football World Cup 2018

Author: SuperUser Account/Friday, August 17, 2018/Categories: Blogs

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From the luminaries in the stands to the stars on the field, from the despair and upsets to the delight and comebacks and from the own-goals to the stoppage time winners, the FIFA World Cup 2018 was a world cup to remember. It was a story of unapologetic and unrestrained football that gave us many moments of absolute brilliance. And while the people around the world got dazed into the fascinating and intriguing experience that this sport provides, we were busy chalking out some great lessons on leadership that were witnessed every now and then and those which can be a valuable medium of driving true inspiration.

Here are the top 10:

The Charisma

Gareth Southgate, football manager of the team England, is an excellent example of a charismatic leader. He knew well how to employ his team members to bring out the best of their potentials, which is why even though the team did not consist of all super-talented players they did it quite well. A strong, charismatic leader is one who can persuade his team by establishing a strong personal and professional credibility.

Pressure is an indispensable part of any game

Out of the 32 teams that marched to fields on the opening ceremony of FIFA 2018, only 16 went forward to the next round, and only one became the winner. Hence, since the beginning there existed immense pressure on each team that strived hard to emerge victorious. Thus, these teams teach us how to manage pressure and how to give your utmost best even under pity circumstances. A leader must stay focused and think positively even when the situation looks otherwise.

Stay flexible

Injuries, suspensions and bad refereeing decisions many a time disrupt the plan with which the teams play. Therefore, they stay flexible in such derailing situations and keep working towards their ultimate goal. Similarly, the leaders must remain flexible to bewildering circumstances. In other words, a leader must adapt to the changes without letting them affect his work.

Loosing is not the end

James Rodriguez in World Cup 2014 and Tim Howard in World Cup 2015 showed us how loosing a match is not a failure. With their tremendous performance, they were declared true winners in their respective matches even when they played for the lost side. This teaches us that you win no matter what, when you give your best with sheer originality.

Turn your weakness into your strength

Current manager of the Brazil national team, Tite effectively turned the teams’ defensive weakness into their core strength. He helped the team create a new identity for themselves by fortifying their weakness. This is what leaders must do; they should reinvent the team by turning their weaknesses into their strengths. A leader must help each of his team members to overcome their limitations.

It needs a team to win

Football is a team sport, and there subsists no I in the team. A football team comprises an upright keeper, sturdy midfielders, exciting wingers, and others. Every single member plays an integral part in the team. In the same, a leader must work towards bringing up a group that works together in unison for the common feat. 

Football is more than just an 11-man game

Tim Krull, a substitute player in the Dutch team brought victory for the team against Costa Rica when his coach summoned him at the end of the extra time just for the penalty kicks. The inspiration we derive from this incident is that a leader must know how to use his team effectively and should know when to plug in other sources.

Lead by example

Oscar Tabarez, the Uruguayan football manager, suffering from a rare Guillain-Barre Syndrome who uses an electric wheelchair or crutch showed us how you could lead well by example. The Uruguayan team had a reputation of being the masters of foul play. However, Tabarez infused in them a spirit of discipline, composure and tactical strength. Similarly, irrespective of the kind of team you have, a leader must possess the potential to transform them for good.

Money is not the ultimate driving force

Two of the most highly paid managers failed to bring their team beyond the group stage in World Cup 2016 while two of the lowest paid amongst the 32 teams took their teams to notable elevations. Another valuable lesson you learn from football is that money can never be the most important thing that motivates you. Many companies and people who have stacks of cash cannot achieve things that are being achieved by people with limited means but better talent.

Never get disheartened and always stay positive

There can be no better example than football to show how one must celebrate every vicissitude of life. In 1998 finals, Japan lost to Croatia and yet the Japanese fans exhibited true sportsmanship by staying in a joyous mood. Leaders must infuse likewise feelings in their team. Sometimes it is not about winning or losing but it’s about the experience, which you must always rejoice.


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